Tue.Jun 18, 2024

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How to Fix ‘AI’s Original Sin’

O'Reilly on Data

Last month, TheNew York Times claimed that tech giants OpenAI and Google have waded into a copyright gray area by transcribing the vast volume of YouTube videos and using that text as additional training data for their AI models despite terms of service that prohibit such efforts and copyright law that the Times argues places them in dispute. The Times also quoted Meta officials as saying that their models will not be able to keep up unless they follow OpenAI and Google’s lead.

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11 Ways to Merge Tables in SQL

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction Ever wonder how to get a complete picture of your company from different databases? SQL can help! Merging data from tables is like putting puzzle pieces together. This lets you analyze and report on all your information at once. In this article, we’ll explore how to use SQL queries like JOIN, UNION, etc. Overview Let’s dive […] The post 11 Ways to Merge Tables in SQL appeared first on Analytics Vidhya.

Reporting 288

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Generative AI for Farming

O'Reilly on Data

We’re planning a live virtual event later this year, and we want to hear from you. Are you using a powerful AI technology that seems like everyone ought to be using? Here’s your opportunity to show the world ! AI is too often seen as a “first world” enterprise of, by, and for the wealthy. We’re going to take a look at a Digital Green ’s Farmer.Chat , a generative AI bot that was designed to help small-scale farmers in developing countries access critical agricultural information.

Testing 238
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Git Reset vs Revert: When to Use Each Command?

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction In the world of version control systems, mistakes are bound to happen. Whether you accidentally reset your branch to the wrong commit or removed vital changes, Git provides a robust mechanism to recover from such scenarios. This guide delves into the intricacies of Git reset vs. revert operations, empowering you to undo unintended changes […] The post Git Reset vs Revert: When to Use Each Command?

Analytics 269
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Launching LLM-Based Products: From Concept to Cash in 90 Days

Speaker: Christophe Louvion, Chief Product & Technology Officer of NRC Health and Tony Karrer, CTO at Aggregage

Christophe Louvion, Chief Product & Technology Officer of NRC Health, is here to take us through how he guided his company's recent experience of getting from concept to launch and sales of products within 90 days. In this exclusive webinar, Christophe will cover key aspects of his journey, including: LLM Development & Quick Wins 🤖 Understand how LLMs differ from traditional software, identifying opportunities for rapid development and deployment.

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Generative AI’s killer enterprise app just might be ERP

CIO Business Intelligence

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is ripe for a major makeover thanks to generative AI, as some experts see the tandem as a perfect pairing that could lead to higher profits at enterprises that combine them. The use of gen AI with ERP systems is still in its early days, but the combination is expected to provide several benefits, including helping employees create specialized ERP functionality on their own through code wizards, says Liz Herbert, a Forrester analyst and lead author of the report

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Machine Learning vs Neural Networks: What is the Difference?

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction This article will examine machine learning (ML) vs neural networks. Then, we will get to know the similarities and differences between them. Machine learning and Neural Networks are sometimes used synonymously. Even though neural networks are part of machine learning, they are not exactly synonymous with each other. Knowing the difference between them is […] The post Machine Learning vs Neural Networks: What is the Difference?

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All About AI-powered Data Analysis with Vizly

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction Generative AI has been at the forefront of recent advancements in artificial intelligence. It has become a part of every major sector, from tech and healthcare to finance and entertainment, and continues transforming our work. It has enabled us to create high-quality content and perform complex tasks in minutes. Now, imagine a world where […] The post All About AI-powered Data Analysis with Vizly appeared first on Analytics Vidhya.

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Beyond AI: Building toward artificial consciousness – Part I

CIO Business Intelligence

As the race to deploy artificial intelligence (AI) hits a fever pitch across enterprises, the savviest organizations are already looking at how to achieve artificial consciousness—a pinnacle of technological and theoretical exploration. However, this undertaking requires unprecedented hardware and software capabilities, and while systems are under construction, the enterprise has a long way to go to understand the demands—and even longer before it can deploy them.

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Primary Key in DBMS

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction With a focus on data integrity and effective retrieval, this article offers a thorough description of primary keys in a database management system (DBMS). It covers types of primary keys, their creation and implementation, and practical applications. The article also discusses best practices for choosing and managing primary keys, highlighting their advantages like uniqueness, […] The post Primary Key in DBMS appeared first on Analytics Vidhya.

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The 7 sins of user support

CIO Business Intelligence

Look no further than the 2024 IT marketplace, where the best paying jobs are predominantly technical, and attributes like strong communications and soft skills are all too often deemphasized. It’s no wonder that IT professionals spend their time honing their technical skills, and then end up speaking in technical acronyms that few people understand.

Risk 114
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Data Modeling for Direct Mail: Boosting Multi-Channel Reach and Response

Speaker: Jesse Simms, VP at Giant Partners

This new, thought-provoking webinar will explore how even incremental efforts and investments in your data can have a tremendous impact on your direct mail and multi-channel marketing campaign results! Industry expert Jesse Simms, VP at Giant Partners, will share real-life case studies and best practices from client direct mail and digital campaigns where data modeling strategies pinpointed audience members, increasing their propensity to respond – and buy.

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Is SQL a Programming Language or a Scripting Language?

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction If you’re someone who works with data, I’m sure you often use Structured Query Language (SQL). Be it in data science, database management, or backend development, SQL is an essential tool that everyone needs. Although most of us are familiar with the language, there’s often some confusion about what it really is. Is it […] The post Is SQL a Programming Language or a Scripting Language?

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La salud conectada gana protagonismo en un contexto de digitalización de los servicios

CIO Business Intelligence

En el contexto acelerado de digitalización motivado por la pandemia, la salud digital ganó protagonismo en unas sociedades con unas mayores necesidades de conexión. De hecho, la mayoría (63%) de organizaciones sanitarias , tanto biofarmacéuticas como de tecnología médica, ya tiene productos de salud conectada en el mercado o en fase de desarrollo. Independientemente de la fase de desarrollo de sus productos, las organizaciones sanitarias prevén que la salud conectada contribuya a generar más de

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Breaking into Data Science: Essential Skills and How to Learn Them


Going beyond technical skills; learn how to make a data science profile that stands out and helps you land your dream role.

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Introducing AWS Glue usage profiles for flexible cost control

AWS Big Data

AWS Glue is a serverless data integration service that enables you to run extract, transform, and load (ETL) workloads on your data in a scalable and serverless manner. One of the main advantages of using a cloud platform is its flexibility; you can provision compute resources when you actually need them. However, with this ease of creating resources comes a risk of spiraling cloud costs when those resources are left unmanaged or without guardrails.

Big Data 105
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How To Speak The Language Of Financial Success In Product Management

Speaker: Jamie Bernard

Success in product management goes beyond delivering great features - it’s about achieving measurable financial outcomes that resonate across the organization. By connecting your product’s journey with the company’s financial success, you’ll ensure that every feature, release, and innovation contributes to the bottom line, driving both customer satisfaction and business growth.

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Los 10 mayores problemas de TI en la actualidad

CIO Business Intelligence

Los CIO tienen una agenda desbordante, con numerosas cuestiones críticas y complejas que dominan su tiempo y atención. No es sorprendente que la capitalización de la inteligencia artificial (IA) encabece la lista de tareas pendientes, al igual que lidiar con las expectativas, la seguridad y la confianza adecuadas en torno a ella. Gestionar el cambio también es vital para los CIO hoy en día.

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Llama, Llama, Llama: 3 Simple Steps to Local RAG with Your Content


Get your own local RAG system up and running in an embarrassingly few lines of code thanks to these 3 Llamas.

Modeling 129
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Compliance, security, and the role of identity

CIO Business Intelligence

Every day, modern organizations are challenged with a balancing act between compliance and security. While compliance frameworks provide guidelines for protecting sensitive data and mitigating risks, security measures must adapt to evolving threats. However, the terms are often conflated, or one—usually compliance—is seen as a box to check as a means to support the other—security.

Risk 103
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Build multimodal search with Amazon OpenSearch Service

AWS Big Data

Multimodal search enables both text and image search capabilities, transforming how users access data through search applications. Consider building an online fashion retail store: you can enhance the users’ search experience with a visually appealing application that customers can use to not only search using text but they can also upload an image depicting a desired style and use the uploaded image alongside the input text in order to find the most relevant items for each user.

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Provide Real Value in Your Applications with Data and Analytics

The complexity of financial data, the need for real-time insight, and the demand for user-friendly visualizations can seem daunting when it comes to analytics - but there is an easier way. With Logi Symphony, we aim to turn these challenges into opportunities. Our platform empowers you to seamlessly integrate advanced data analytics, generative AI, data visualization, and pixel-perfect reporting into your applications, transforming raw data into actionable insights.

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Telefónica Tech e IBM lanzan una solución de IA y datos en el mercado español

CIO Business Intelligence

Telefónica Tech e IBM han sellado una alianza en España para desplegar soluciones de inteligencia artificial (IA), analítica y gobierno del dato en un entorno “heterogéneo y cambiante, para poder extraer todo el valor de las mismas en los procesos de negocio”. Estas estarán unificadas e la plataforma SHARK.X, que será abierta híbrida y multicloud y especializada en gestión de datos e IA.

Software 102
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Empowering Enterprise Generative AI with Flexibility: Navigating the Model Landscape


The world of Generative AI (GenAI) is rapidly evolving, with a wide array of models available for businesses to leverage. These models can be broadly categorized into two types: closed-source (proprietary) and open-source models. Closed-source models, such as OpenAI’s GPT-4o, Anthropic’s Claude 3, or Google’s Gemini 1.5 Pro, are developed and maintained by private and public companies.

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La IA generativa revolucionará el ERP

CIO Business Intelligence

Los sistemas de planificación de recursos empresariales (ERP) están a punto de dar una nueva vuelta de tuerca gracias a la IA generativa. Aunque el uso de esta última tecnología dentro del ERP aún es emergente, los expertos esperan que este tándem proporcione a las compañías y sus empleados diversos beneficios, como ayudar a los trabajadores a crear funcionalidades del ERP especializadas por su cuenta a través de asistentes de código, como afirma Liz Herbert, analista de Forrester y autora princ

Software 101
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Understanding and Addressing Data Anomalies in Business!


How Can My Business Understand and Handle Those Pesky Data Anomalies? Why guess at the cause of your business results? Whether you are seeing positive or negative results, it is still important to understand the ‘why.’ Without this information, you cannot adapt and adjust to improve declining results, OR repeat and improve those great results you are experiencing.

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The AI Superhero Approach to Product Management

Speaker: Conrado Morlan

In this engaging and witty talk, industry expert Conrado Morlan will explore how artificial intelligence can transform the daily tasks of product managers into streamlined, efficient processes. Using the lens of a superhero narrative, he’ll uncover how AI can be the ultimate sidekick, aiding in data management and reporting, enhancing productivity, and boosting innovation.

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PortAventura World lanza Pawla, el ‘chatbot’ concebido para mejorar la experiencia en el resort

CIO Business Intelligence

PortAventura World se sube al carro de la inteligencia artificial (IA) generativa con el lanzamiento de su nueva herramienta para mejorar la experiencia del visitante y satisfacer todas sus necesidades durante su estancia en el resort. Bautizado como Pawla, se trata de un chatbot diseñado para comprender y responder a todo tipo de consultas, hacer recomendaciones y guiar a los visitantes teniendo en cuenta todas las especificidades de cada uno de los parques y servicios de PortAventura World.

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How Dataiku Turns GenAI Into Business Gold


The ability to leverage Generative AI (GenAI) is a crucial differentiator for businesses across all industries aiming to stay competitive or surpass their rivals. Dataiku empowers organizations to harness the full potential of GenAI in an easy, accessible way.

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Three ways AI is raising the stakes around endpoint security

CIO Business Intelligence

AI has made endpoint security even more challenging by accelerating attacks, raising the value of information at the endpoint, and making seemingly benign data highly sensitive. Read the three things you need to know. AI is supercharging attacks Generative AI is accelerating the volume and sophistication of attacks, allowing bad actors to evade traditional defenses.

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How to Keep Headings in View When You Print or PDF (So Your Excel Table is Easier to Read)

Depict Data Studio

Are you printing or PDFing that Excel table? If it’s a long table, and spills onto a second page, then you’ll need to keep the table headings in view. Here’s how you can repeat a few rows at the top of each page. What’s Inside 0:00 Welcome to Dataviz On The Go 0:08 The Visual Appendices 0:22 The PDF/Print Issue, Oops!

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Deliver Mission Critical Insights in Real Time with Data & Analytics

In the fast-moving manufacturing sector, delivering mission-critical data insights to empower your end users or customers can be a challenge. Traditional BI tools can be cumbersome and difficult to integrate - but it doesn't have to be this way. Logi Symphony offers a powerful and user-friendly solution, allowing you to seamlessly embed self-service analytics, generative AI, data visualization, and pixel-perfect reporting directly into your applications.

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Salesforce debuts gen AI benchmark for CRM

CIO Business Intelligence

Salesforce today announced a first-of-its-kind gen AI benchmark for CRM, which aims to help businesses make more informed decisions when choosing large language models (LLMs) for use with business applications. “Customers don’t just want the best model,” explains Clara Shih, CEO of Salesforce AI. “They want to make sure it’s the best model that’s compliant, fits their security standards, and doesn’t break the bank.

Metrics 94
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Evaluating sustainability with the green digital twin

CONTACT Software

On January 5, 2023, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) came into effect – but what exactly does that mean? The European Parliament adopted this regulation as a significant step within the European Green Deal framework of 2019.

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How Hendrick Motorsports wins with Z by HP

CIO Business Intelligence

Stock car racing has grown to become one of the largest spectator sports in America, a fandom that is expanding across the globe. Every year, NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing) sanctions more than 1,500 races at over 100 tracks in the US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, and Europe. Hendrick Motorsports, one of NASCAR’s most decorated teams, has earned 18 driver’s championships and more than 350 wins across all three major series since the team’s inception in 1984.

Testing 82
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How to Choose the Right Data Visualization Consultant for Your Needs


Unlock the power of data visualization in your decision-making process by partnering with a data visualization consultant. These experts transform complex data into insightful visuals, enabling you to identify trends and make strategic choices with confidence. Discover the pivotal role these consultants play in enhancing your business strategies and operations.

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Entity Resolution: Your Guide to Deciding Whether to Build It or Buy It

Adding high-quality entity resolution capabilities to enterprise applications, services, data fabrics or data pipelines can be daunting and expensive. Organizations often invest millions of dollars and years of effort to achieve subpar results. This guide will walk you through the requirements and challenges of implementing entity resolution. By the end, you'll understand what to look for, the most common mistakes and pitfalls to avoid, and your options.