Wed.Oct 16, 2024

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Dijkstra Algorithm in Python

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction Suppose you are over a map of roads, and you want to know how to get from one city to another using the fewest possible roads. When delivering products through city roads or searching for the most effective route in a network or other systems, the shortest route is crucial. However, one of the […] The post Dijkstra Algorithm in Python appeared first on Analytics Vidhya.

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AI makes edge computing more relevant to CIOs

CIO Business Intelligence

Analysts predict the incoming phase of enterprise AI will herald agentic systems that require minimal human intervention, with 75% of CIOs increasing their AI budgets during this year alone, according to a recent report from Gartner. As gen AI becomes embedded into more devices, endowing it with autonomous decision-making will depend on real-time data and avoiding excessive cloud costs.


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Automated Image Generation: Transforming Your Blog Creation Process

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction Creating visually engaging content can be a time-consuming task for bloggers and creators. After crafting a compelling article, finding the right images is often a separate challenge. But what if Blog Creation with AI could do it all for you? Imagine a seamless process where, alongside your writing, AI generates original, high-quality images tailored […] The post Automated Image Generation: Transforming Your Blog Creation Process appeared first on Analytics Vidhya.

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Los datos y la seguridad frenan la implantación de la IA en las empresas

CIO Business Intelligence

El 84% de los directores de Sistemas de la Información (CIO, por sus siglas en inglés) considera que la inteligencia artificial (IA) será tan relevante para sus negocios como lo fue en su día el auge de Internet. No obstante, sólo el 11% afirma haber implementado completamente esta tecnología. Como obstáculos a superar, citan una serie de retos técnicos y organizativos, encabezados por la seguridad y la infraestructura de datos.

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Prepare Now: 2025's Must-Know Trends For Product And Data Leaders

Speaker: Jay Allardyce

As we look ahead to 2025, business intelligence and data analytics are set to play pivotal roles in shaping success. Organizations are already starting to face a host of transformative trends as the year comes to a close, including the integration of AI in data analytics, an increased emphasis on real-time data insights, and the growing importance of user experience in BI solutions.

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10 GitHub Repositories for Advanced Machine Learning Projects


Where can you find projects dealing with advanced ML topics? GitHub is a perfect source with its many repositories. I’ve selected ten to talk about in this article.

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Damac Group expands into Spain with 400 million euros data center investment in Madrid

CIO Business Intelligence

The data center market in Spain continues to heat up with the latest major development from Dubai-based Damac Group. The company has announced its entry into the Spanish market with the acquisition of land in Madrid, where it plans to build a state-of-the-art data center. This ambitious project represents a significant investment of 400 million euros, underscoring the growing demand for digital infrastructure in Spain and Europe.

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Del sector público al privado: cómo adaptar un currículum ejecutivo

CIO Business Intelligence

Para los directivos de TI que trabajan en el sector público, adaptar su currículum a las oportunidades del sector privado puede ser todo un reto. Ese fue el problema con el que se encontró Christina Sewell, CIO de una agencia gubernamental, al considerar los próximos pasos de su carrera. Con más de dos décadas en puestos tecnológicos y de liderazgo, Sewell, cuya identidad se ha mantenido en el anonimato para este artículo, confiaba en que sus habilidades y experiencias se trasladarían, pero pens

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Roadmap for AI Engineers


Learn about 10 easy steps to becoming an AI engineer in 2024.

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AT&T and VMware near settlement in support services dispute

CIO Business Intelligence

AT&T and VMware are close to resolving their legal dispute over support services, according to a joint letter filed in the New York Supreme Court on October 11. The letter requests a postponement of the upcoming hearing, as both sides make progress toward a settlement. The dispute, which revolves around the extension of support services following Broadcom’s acquisition of VMware, has drawn attention due to its potential impact on broader enterprise IT support contracts.

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Join us for Breakfast for Success at TXC 2024

Decision Management Solutions

Breakfast for Success at TXC 2024 Name * Company * Email Address * Δ The post Join us for Breakfast for Success at TXC 2024 appeared first on Decision Management Solutions.

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The Ultimate Guide To Data-Driven Construction: Optimize Projects, Reduce Risks, & Boost Innovation

Speaker: Donna Laquidara-Carr, PhD, LEED AP, Industry Insights Research Director at Dodge Construction Network

In today’s construction market, owners, construction managers, and contractors must navigate increasing challenges, from cost management to project delays. Fortunately, digital tools now offer valuable insights to help mitigate these risks. However, the sheer volume of tools and the complexity of leveraging their data effectively can be daunting. That’s where data-driven construction comes in.

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Cómo gestionar los programas de IA generativa: gobernanza, educación, regulación

CIO Business Intelligence

La inteligencia artificial (IA) generativa ha crecido con gran rapidez, atrayendo inversiones y despertando el interés y la creatividad de los desarrolladores. Las empresas ven en la IA generativa una vía para crear servicios innovadores y revolucionar sus sectores. Sin embargo, aunque los desarrolladores están deseosos de construir con IA generativa, el reto es cómo ir más allá de las pruebas iniciales para funcionar a escala.

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Scope 3 emissions: A challenge for companies

CONTACT Software

Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is crucial in the fight against climate change. Many companies face the challenge that indirect emissions in their value chain, so-called Scope 3 emissions, are often the largest contributors. Since these emissions fall outside the direct control of the company, they are usually the most difficult to determine (and optimize).

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CIO Summit España 2024: El nuevo CIO, un directivo transformado y transformador

CIO Business Intelligence

La inteligencia artificial (IA) ha monopolizado el interés de la industria tecnológica en el último par de años. Y con razón. Las posibilidades son incontables y los beneficios han quedado patentes con los primeros casos de uso empresarial. Sin embargo, es hora de pasar a la siguiente fase y pensar en propuestas que permitan a las organizaciones aportar un valor diferencial y que, a su vez, les otorguen un retorno de la inversión que compense el enorme trabajo que la implantación de la IA requie

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Transforming Building Automation Data Into Actionable Insights


Building information systems (BAS) allow decision-makers to get real-time insights on overall traffic per floor or time of day to the precise temperatures in specific rooms. That data can encourage them to extract actionable takeaways to save energy and increase operational efficiency. So, how can facilities managers and others turn these ideals into everyday strategies?

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Launching LLM-Based Products: From Concept to Cash in 90 Days

Speaker: Christophe Louvion, Chief Product & Technology Officer of NRC Health and Tony Karrer, CTO at Aggregage

Christophe Louvion, Chief Product & Technology Officer of NRC Health, is here to take us through how he guided his company's recent experience of getting from concept to launch and sales of products within 90 days. In this exclusive webinar, Christophe will cover key aspects of his journey, including: LLM Development & Quick Wins 🤖 Understand how LLMs differ from traditional software, identifying opportunities for rapid development and deployment.

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Cómo abordar la deuda técnica antes de que cause estragos al negocio

CIO Business Intelligence

En un escenario corporativo en el que la tecnología ha pasado a ostentar un papel protagonista al situarse cada vez más cerca del negocio, gestionar la deuda técnica derivada de la inversión en TI puede suponer un verdadero quebradero de cabeza para los directores de Sistemas de la Información (CIO, por sus siglas en inglés). Si desde hace años esta cuestión era uno de los grandes retos a abordar por aquellos que asumían el rol, en un contexto en el que el panorama tecnológico empresarial es cad

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SEC Cybersecurity Mandate: A New Era of Accountability for CISOs and CFOs


A few days ago, a colleague posed a pointed question: Does the SEC’s new materiality ruling truly make a difference? While I previously highlighted the ruling’s potential impact in “Data Governance Gets a New Impetus,” it’s worth revisiting whether this shift will matter to management teams or simply add another layer to the compliance checklist.

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Salesforce’s Financial Services Cloud targets ops automation for insurance firms

CIO Business Intelligence

>To help insurance brokerages tie in disparate systems to manage their operations and increase employee productivity, CRM software provider Salesforce has introduced a new offering in preview, the Financial Services Cloud. Insurance firms, carriers, and brokerages use three or more systems to service clients, according to a study conducted by Arizent Research on behalf of Salesforce that surveyed 105 insurance firms, carriers, or brokerages.

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10 Risks of IoT Data Management


What Is IoT Data Management? IoT data management refers to the process of collecting, storing, processing, and analyzing the massive amounts of data generated by Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

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Data Modeling for Direct Mail: Boosting Multi-Channel Reach and Response

Speaker: Jesse Simms, VP at Giant Partners

This new, thought-provoking webinar will explore how even incremental efforts and investments in your data can have a tremendous impact on your direct mail and multi-channel marketing campaign results! Industry expert Jesse Simms, VP at Giant Partners, will share real-life case studies and best practices from client direct mail and digital campaigns where data modeling strategies pinpointed audience members, increasing their propensity to respond – and buy.

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LatticeFlow launches first comprehensive evaluation framework for compliance with the EU AI Act

CIO Business Intelligence

The European Union (EU) AI Act, passed in August, has been touted as a milestone for AI development. However, the framework has also been criticized as being vague, non-technical, and broad. Although it identifies six ethical principles, these haven’t been translated into codified benchmarks, and there have yet to be any concrete standards or recommendations issued.

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Building a Data-Literate Insurance Workforce: Strategies for CDOs


Data literacy has become a critical skill for insurance professionals at all levels. As chief data officers (CDOs) in the insurance industry, one of the most crucial challenges is fostering a data-literate workforce capable of leveraging data for better decision-making and innovation.

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IBM’s genAI-accelerated blueprint for AWS cloud migration

CIO Business Intelligence

Enterprises are aiming to optimize and modernize infrastructure via the cloud, but growing complexity and costs keep many migration plans in check. IBM, in close partnership with AWS, has developed a generative AI-powered solution that accelerates and automates cloud migration at scale, delivering operational efficiencies and helping enterprises retool for future growth.

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All in the Data: A New Data Governance Season Is Here


As the new NFL season gets rolling, there’s a profound sense of anticipation in the air — the thrill of a fresh start, the introduction of new players, the strategic direction set by new leadership, and the unwavering commitment of management all contribute to the buzz.

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How To Speak The Language Of Financial Success In Product Management

Speaker: Jamie Bernard

Success in product management goes beyond delivering great features - it’s about achieving measurable financial outcomes that resonate across the organization. By connecting your product’s journey with the company’s financial success, you’ll ensure that every feature, release, and innovation contributes to the bottom line, driving both customer satisfaction and business growth.

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Making technology a company capability at Foot Locker

CIO Business Intelligence

Retail is dynamic, ever-changing, and generates a lot of data, and through merchandising, in-store transactions, supply chain, digital, and pricing, the opportunities to leverage data are endless. Omni-channel retailing puts even greater importance on the ability to manage and integrate data effectively across the enterprise. For Adrian Butler, who has been CTO of the $8 billion global business for about two years, the key is to focus on the data that matters most, and to help the entire busines

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The Future of Trusted Data Management: Striking a Balance between AI and Human Collaboration

Smart Data Collective

Discover how striking a balance between AI and human collaboration shapes the future of trusted data management for enhanced security and efficiency.

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Anthropic updates its risk governance framework

CIO Business Intelligence

The launch this week by Anthropic of an update to its Responsible Scaling Policy (RSP), the risk governance framework it says it uses to “mitigate potential catastrophic risks from frontier AI systems,” is part of the company’s push to be perceived as an AI safety first provider compared to its competitors such as OpenAI, an industry analyst said Wednesday.

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Roundtable: Innovations in Healthcare

Decision Management Solutions

Roundtable: Innovations in Healthcare Name * Company * Email Address * Δ The post Roundtable: Innovations in Healthcare appeared first on Decision Management Solutions.

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Enhance Customer Value: Unleash Your Data’s Potential

The complexity of financial data, the need for real-time insight, and the demand for user-friendly visualizations can seem daunting when it comes to analytics - but there is an easier way. With Logi Symphony, we aim to turn these challenges into opportunities. Our platform empowers you to seamlessly integrate advanced data analytics, generative AI, data visualization, and pixel-perfect reporting into your applications, transforming raw data into actionable insights.

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IBM and AWS: An alternative cloud path for VMWare workloads

CIO Business Intelligence

In the post-Broadcom acquisition period, new subscription models and partner relationship changes are prompting VMware enterprises to reevaluate their IT estates. The goal: Determining the best path towards modernization and cloud migration. VMware is a leader in virtualization platform technologies with a sprawling customer base in need of tools, services, and support to optimize and modernize infrastructure for the cloud.

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Top Generative AI Use Cases in Logistics


Supply chain and logistics management are fraught with complexity and challenges. From managing intricate carrier relationships to navigating global import/export regulations, the industry is riddled with challenges. These hurdles, combined with the dynamic and often opaque requirements across different regions, force businesses to adopt contingency plans upon contingency plans.

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Alcuni punti-chiave del regolamento europeo sull’intelligenza artificiale

CIO Business Intelligence

La regolamentazione digitale europea è entrata in una nuova fase con la recente adozione del Regolamento (UE) 2024/1689 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 13 giugno 2024, che stabilisce norme armonizzate sull’intelligenza artificiale (RIA o AI Act in breve). Questa legislazione, in prima linea nei dibattiti globali sulla regolamentazione dell’AI, si trova all’intersezione tra la protezione dei cittadini e lo sviluppo dell’innovazione tecnologica.

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Neural Processing Units (NPUs): The dawn of AI PCs

CIO Business Intelligence

In May, Microsoft unveiled a new category of PCs: Copilot+ PCs, the first of a new generation of AI laptops, desktops, and tablets that enable AI processing to happen at the edge. These devices are able to process such intensive workloads thanks to the presence of neural processing units (NPUs) on a SoC (system on a chip). NPUs are a new addition to the usual lineup of central processing units (CPUs) and graphics processing units (GPUs), and they open up enormous possibilities for powerful new A

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The AI Superhero Approach to Product Management

Speaker: Conrado Morlan

In this engaging and witty talk, industry expert Conrado Morlan will explore how artificial intelligence can transform the daily tasks of product managers into streamlined, efficient processes. Using the lens of a superhero narrative, he’ll uncover how AI can be the ultimate sidekick, aiding in data management and reporting, enhancing productivity, and boosting innovation.