Mon.Jun 24, 2024

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10 ways to break free from AI pilot purgatory

CIO Business Intelligence

Companies pour millions into AI initiatives, only to find themselves mired in pilot purgatory — endless cycles of testing and tweaking with no tangible results. It’s not enough to start strong; you need to finish with impact. The stakes are high but AI has the potential to revolutionize industries, driving unprecedented efficiencies, innovation, and growth.

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Revolutionizing Creative Sketch Generation with DCGAN

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction The domain of artificial intelligence has witnessed significant growth and expansion into creative sectors like sketching and doodling. In sketching, conventional AI approaches have mainly concentrated on imitating ordinary and real-life sketches. Still, recent developments in Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) present an innovative perspective towards creative sketch production.

Analytics 299

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How PlatformDIGITAL® enables private AI

CIO Business Intelligence

What is required to enable Private AI for enterprises? Chris Sharp, CTO, discusses AI’s unique requirements for power density and interconnectivity and how PlatformDIGITAL® has been the home of AI and HPC deployments for many years. Watch this video to hear how these early deployments influenced our AI and HPC solutions. One of the reasons why Digital Realty and PlatformDIGITAL® have been the home of AI is just our core expertise and support for many years of different power density requirement

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Mastering the Not Equal Operator in SQL: Syntax, Usage, and Practical Examples

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction SQL is the most sought-after language for data manipulation and database management. It comes with a wide range of built-in functions catering to a variety of data editing tasks. In this article, I will introduce you to one of the main functions used in SQL – the NOT EQUAL operator. This fundamental tool in […] The post Mastering the Not Equal Operator in SQL: Syntax, Usage, and Practical Examples appeared first on Analytics Vidhya.

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Generative AI Deep Dive: Advancing from Proof of Concept to Production

Speaker: Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks & Tony Karrer, CTO at Aggregage

Executive leaders and board members are pushing their teams to adopt Generative AI to gain a competitive edge, save money, and otherwise take advantage of the promise of this new era of artificial intelligence. There's no question that it is challenging to figure out where to focus and how to advance when it’s a new field that is evolving everyday. 💡 This new webinar featuring Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks, will explore a practical framework to transform Generative AI pr

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Prosegur aúna tecnología y procesos bajo el paraguas Avos Tech

CIO Business Intelligence

Prosegur ha optado por i ntegrar en España su negocio de externalización de procesos y servicios tecnológicos (BPO, por sus siglas en inglés) bajo la marca Avos Tech. El propósito de esta decisión no es otro que aportar soluciones integrales de alto valor añadido basadas en desarrollos tecnológicos propios. Esta transición, que se completará en 2025 con la incorporación de las operaciones en Chile bajo la nueva marca, refleja la evolución de la propuesta de valor que incluye hoy soluciones de BP

Software 106
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Prompt Engineering for Game Development

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction The gaming industry is quickly changing, and integrating AI with creative design has resulted in prompt engineering. By meticulously creating and adjusting prompts, developers can efficiently communicate with AI systems to generate content, refine stories, and develop intricate character behaviors, saving time and resources. Prompt engineering is more than simply directing an AI; it’s […] The post Prompt Engineering for Game Development appeared first on Analytics Vidhya

Analytics 291

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Stable Diffusion 3: Guide to the Latest Text-to-Image Model by Stability AI

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction Stability AI created the Stable Diffusion model, one of the most sophisticated text-to-image generating systems. It uses diffusion models, a subclass of generative models that produce high-quality images based on textual descriptions by iteratively refining noisy images. Overview What is the Stable Diffusion Model? A particular kind of deep learning model called stable diffusion […] The post Stable Diffusion 3: Guide to the Latest Text-to-Image Model by Stability AI appeared f

Modeling 286
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Desmontando mitos en torno a la IA y su impacto en el ámbito corporativo

CIO Business Intelligence

En el entorno empresarial actual, la inteligencia artificial (IA) se ha consolidado como una fuerza transformadora, prometiendo optimizar procesos, impulsar la innovación y abrir nuevas fronteras en la eficiencia operativa de las corporaciones. Sin embargo, a pesar de su enorme potencial, la adopción generalizada de esta herramienta en las empresas sigue siendo cuestionable, sobre todo en las pymes.

Software 105
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What Are Foreign Keys in DBMS?

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction Keys are an important part of database management systems (DBMS) like SQL. They help in ensuring data integrity and establishing relationships between tables. Among the different SQL keys, the foreign key is what maintains the relational structure of the database. It links various data points across tables to ensure smooth database operations.

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Sostenibilidad y tecnología, un binomio de futuro para el grupo bodeguero González Byass

CIO Business Intelligence

Rondan las 10 de la mañana cuando sobre la tarima colocan una mesa con dos copas de vino. Un poco pronto para dar cuenta de ellas, pensarán, no sin acierto, los miles de espectadores que esperan a que hablen los ponentes. Estamos en Barcelona, en el marco del evento Sapphire 2024 del gigante alemán de ERP, SAP, y a escena sale, acompañada del ejecutivo de la firma Scott Russell, Elisabet Braza, responsable de proyectos SAP en González Byass, el grupo bodeguero casi bicentenario –nace en 1835 en

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Leading the Development of Profitable and Sustainable Products

Speaker: Jason Tanner

While growth of software-enabled solutions generates momentum, growth alone is not enough to ensure sustainability. The probability of success dramatically improves with early planning for profitability. A sustainable business model contains a system of interrelated choices made not once but over time. Join this webinar for an iterative approach to ensuring solution, economic and relationship sustainability.

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Guide to vLLM Using Gemma-7b-it

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction Everyone needs to have faster and reliable inference from the Large Language models. vLLM, a cutting-edge open source framework designed to simplify the deployment and management of large language models with very less throughput. vLLM makes your job easier by offering efficient and scalable tools for working with LLMs. With vLLM, you can manage […] The post Guide to vLLM Using Gemma-7b-it appeared first on Analytics Vidhya.

IT 271
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Harness AI’s potential and navigate disruption with Digital Realty

CIO Business Intelligence

It may seem like artificial intelligence (AI) became a media buzzword overnight, but this disruptive technology has been at the forefront of our agenda for several years at Digital Realty. We’ve seen how the advent of cloud technology significantly transformed the landscape of digital business, and AI is set to disrupt industries in ways we are only beginning to understand.

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Guide to SQL CREATE TABLE Statement and Table Operations

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction Imagine a filing cabinet for data, with drawers for different categories of information. The “CREATE TABLE” statement in SQL is like building a new drawer in that cabinet. You give it a name and define how you’ll organize the information inside, like separate sections for names, dates, and amounts. SQL also lets you copy […] The post Guide to SQL CREATE TABLE Statement and Table Operations appeared first on Analytics Vidhya.

Analytics 236
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What does a CIO advisory board need to be truly effective?

CIO Business Intelligence

To make products and services as sticky and relevant as possible, organizations must have broad perspectives from their key audience on the challenges and opportunities their solutions provide. Without this kind of insight, they will miss out on ways to drive the direction of their products and services. In short, innovation will become less effective.

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The Role of Data Products in Maximizing ROI from AI Initiatives

Stuck with stalled AI projects? Data silos and fragmented processes are likely culprits. This IDC report unveils Data Products as the secret weapon. By treating data as a product, organizations can overcome these challenges and unlock the true potential of AI. Learn how a unified data control plane empowers Data Products to deliver trusted, high-quality data for faster insights and improved decision-making.

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Is Jasprit Bumrah a Genius Bowler? Using AutoEncoders for Anomaly Detection in Cricket

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction During one of the cricket matches in the ICC World Cup T20 Championship, Rohit Sharma, Captain of Indian Cricket Team had applauded Jasprit Bumrah as Genius Bowler. I decided to run a experiment and test it out using data available publicly. Even though it is a fun project, I was pleasantly surprised by the […] The post Is Jasprit Bumrah a Genius Bowler?

Testing 217
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Cybersecurity and compliance take centre stage at IT Directors’ Dinner in London

CIO Business Intelligence

What is playing on the minds of senior IT executives confronted with the multiple challenges of cybersecurity and compliance? At a recent supper roundtable in London, convened by the endpoint and IT management vendor NinjaOne , attendees discussed some of the industry’s most complex issues. Yet throughout the evening, the common denominator was the need to reduce uncertainty and manage risk.

IT 98
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Geospatial Data Visualization Using Pydeck

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction Pydeck is a Python library that is by far the most powerful tool for creating an interactive map using Python. It works seamlessly with the PyData stack and Pandas, making it an easy-to-use option for plotting geospatial data. Pydeck is known for its feature of allowing us to create custom layers or even stack […] The post Geospatial Data Visualization Using Pydeck appeared first on Analytics Vidhya.

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Qatar’s Ooredoo and Nvidia partners for AI expansion

CIO Business Intelligence

In a significant move towards advancing its digital infrastructure capabilities, Ooredoo Group has announced its partnership with NVIDIA, marking a pivotal step in fostering the AI revolution across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. This collaboration solidifies Ooredoo’s commitment to becoming a leading digital infrastructure provider in the MENA region, leveraging NVIDIA’s cutting-edge accelerated computing platform.

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How To Get Promoted In Product Management

Speaker: John Mansour

If you're looking to advance your career in product management, there are more options than just climbing the management ladder. Join our upcoming webinar to learn about highly rewarding career paths that don't involve management responsibilities. We'll cover both career tracks and provide tips on how to position yourself for success in the one that's right for you.

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Building Your First ETL Pipeline with Bash


Bash is a good choice for ETL due to its simplicity, flexibility, automation capabilities, and interoperability with other CLI tools. Get more info on putting together your first ETL script using Bash mainstay components.

IT 85
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Determining the best architecture for your CX platform

CIO Business Intelligence

Innovation with respect to the customer experience remains crucial as global CX technology spending grows year-over-year , including increased spending on generative AI, the cloud, and digital services. Yet this acceleration can aggravate business management and create fundamental business risk, especially for established enterprises. Without the right cloud architecture, enterprises can be crushed under a mass of operational disruption that impedes their digital transformation.

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Understanding and Implementing Genetic Algorithms in Python


Understanding what genetic algorithms are and how they can be implemented in Python.

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Dubai appoints 22 Chief AI Officers in Government entities

CIO Business Intelligence

In a move aimed at bolstering its position as a global leader in technological innovation, the Dubai government has appointed 22 Chief AI Officers (CAIOs) across various governmental entities. This strategic initiative underscores Dubai’s commitment to harnessing artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize public services, streamline operations, and drive economic growth in the region.

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Embedding BI: Architectural Considerations and Technical Requirements

While data platforms, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and programming platforms have evolved to leverage big data and streaming data, the front-end user experience has not kept up. Holding onto old BI technology while everything else moves forward is holding back organizations. Traditional Business Intelligence (BI) aren’t built for modern data platforms and don’t work on modern architectures.

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Configure a custom domain name for your Amazon MSK cluster

AWS Big Data

Amazon Managed Streaming for Kafka (Amazon MSK) is a fully managed service that enables you to build and run applications that use Apache Kafka to process streaming data. It runs open-source versions of Apache Kafka. This means existing applications, tooling, and plugins from partners and the Apache Kafka community are supported without requiring changes to application code.

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Unparalleled Productivity: The Power of Cloudera Copilot for Cloudera Machine Learning


In the fast-evolving landscape of data science and machine learning, efficiency is not just desirable—it’s essential. Imagine a world where every data practitioner, from seasoned data scientists to budding developers, has an intelligent assistant at their fingertips. This assistant doesn’t just automate mundane tasks but understands the intricacies of your workflows, anticipates your needs, and dramatically enhances your productivity at every turn.

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Vendor o partner? Come districarsi tra fornitori e Big Tech

CIO Business Intelligence

Che cos’è un fornitore? Il soggetto che accompagna le imprese nella loro trasformazione digitale come un vero partner, o è un semplice vendor, non sempre allineato alle esigenze del suo cliente? Nell’esperienza dei CIO italiani la realtà si muove tra i due estremi: difficile trovare il fornitore ideale, soprattutto tra le Big Tech, ma un manager accorto sa a quali parametri guardare nella selezione.

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Ways Data-Driven Businesses Can Prevent Data Overload

Smart Data Collective

Managing digital records is important for any business that wants to try to avoid data overload.

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Get Better Network Graphs & Save Analysts Time

Many organizations today are unlocking the power of their data by using graph databases to feed downstream analytics, enahance visualizations, and more. Yet, when different graph nodes represent the same entity, graphs get messy. Watch this essential video with Senzing CEO Jeff Jonas on how adding entity resolution to a graph database condenses network graphs to improve analytics and save your analysts time.

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Go to University from Home with These Online Degrees


Times have changed and there’s no need to sacrifice so much to gain a degree!

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Exploring Microsoft’s UDOP: Integrated DocumentAI

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction Microsoft Research has introduced a groundbreaking Document AI model called Universal Document Processing (UDOP), which represents a significant leap in AI capabilities. UDOP integrates text, image, and layout analysis in a single framework, enabling the understanding and generation of documents with unprecedented accuracy and efficiency.

Modeling 312
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Ahead of the curve on advanced cooling for AI & HPC

CIO Business Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) and high-performance computing (HPC) have emerged as key areas of opportunity for innovation and business transformation. The challenge for IT leaders is to enable these high-density workloads with the right IT infrastructure, and increasingly the community is discussing advanced cooling technologies like liquid cooling.

Strategy 100
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Mapping Unstructured Data: How-to

Jet Global

When creating an ODBC driver, it is essential to convert data from the data source into a relational format. This is necessary because ODBC and SQL require and operate on data that is organized with a fixed schema and returned in a tabular structure. By utilizing the SimbaEngine SDK, you can efficiently map your data into a relational format, enabling you to build an ODBC driver compatible with various application vendors, including Power BI, Tableau, Qlik Sense, Alteryx, Informatica, MicroStrat

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How to Leverage AI for Actionable Insights in BI, Data, and Analytics

In the rapidly-evolving world of embedded analytics and business intelligence, one important question has emerged at the forefront: How can you leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance your application’s analytics capabilities? Imagine having an AI tool that answers your user’s questions with a deep understanding of the context in their business and applications, nuances of their industry, and unique challenges they face.