Tue.Sep 17, 2024

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3 Simple Ways to Merge Python Dictionaries


When working with dictionaries in Python, you’ll sometimes have to merge them into a single dictionary for further processing. In this tutorial, we'll go over three common methods to merge Python dictionaries. Specifically, we’ll focus on merging dictionaries using: The update() method Dictionary unpacking The union operator Let’s get started. Note: You can find.

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Vector Streaming: Memory-efficient Indexing with Rust

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction Vector streaming in EmbedAnything is being introduced, a feature designed to optimize large-scale document embedding. Enabling asynchronous chunking and embedding using Rust’s concurrency reduces memory usage and speeds up the process. Today, I will show how to integrate it with the Weaviate Vector Database for seamless image embedding and search.


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Preparing for AI

O'Reilly on Data

AI is everywhere—we’re in a middle of a technology shift that’s as big (and possibly bigger) than the arrival of the web in the 1990s. Even though ChatGPT appeared almost two years ago, we still feel unprepared: we read that AI will change every job and we don’t know what that means or how to prepare. Here are a few ideas about preparing for that shift.

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It’s time for CIOs to think about post-quantum cryptography

CIO Business Intelligence

With the threat that quantum computers will break current encryption methods “looming on the horizon,” the adoption of post-quantum cryptography is now a critical priority, particularly for those industries that handle sensitive data, a report released Tuesday revealed. The current and future state of quantum are among six trends contained in Info-Tech Research Group’s Tech Trends 2025 report, based on responses from an estimated 1,000 IT decision-makers in the US, Canada, Asia Pacific (APAC), a

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Launching LLM-Based Products: From Concept to Cash in 90 Days

Speaker: Christophe Louvion, Chief Product & Technology Officer of NRC Health and Tony Karrer, CTO at Aggregage

Christophe Louvion, Chief Product & Technology Officer of NRC Health, is here to take us through how he guided his company's recent experience of getting from concept to launch and sales of products within 90 days. In this exclusive webinar, Christophe will cover key aspects of his journey, including: LLM Development & Quick Wins 🤖 Understand how LLMs differ from traditional software, identifying opportunities for rapid development and deployment.

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How to Handle Large Text Inputs with Longformer and Hugging Face Transformers


Let’s learn how to handle large text inputs in the Large Language Model (LLM). Preparation Ensure you have the Transformers and datasets package from Hugging Face installed in your environment. If not, you can install them via pip using the following code: pip install transformers datasets Additionally, you should install the.

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The IT sector is bringing down Europe all on its own

CIO Business Intelligence

On Monday of last week, former European Central Bank chief Mario Draghi presented his “long-awaited” report on the EU’s competitiveness, which the Commission tapped him to produce a year ago. The report will form the basis of the policy work going forward for the new commission that will soon take office. I put long-awaited in quotation marks because, although it is described as such, it takes a certain masochistic disposition to look forward to a slap in the face like this.

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Rethinking enterprise architects’ roles for agile transformation

CIO Business Intelligence

CIOs often have a love-hate relationship with enterprise architecture. On the one hand, enterprise architects play a key role in selecting platforms, developing technical capabilities, and driving standards. Moreover, undertaking digital transformation and technology modernization programs without an architect can lead to delays, technical debt , higher costs, and security vulnerabilities.

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Top SAS Training for Machine Learning Engineers


Sponsored Content Almost 63% of organizations don’t have enough employees with AI and machine learning skills, according to a study by Coleman Parkes Research. With a shortage of talent and an abundance of opportunity, there’s never been a better time to launch or advance your machine learning career with SAS Training. Read.

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When new apps lead to lower worker productivity

CIO Business Intelligence

Recent years have brought hundreds of new applications, including modern videoconferencing, task trackers, and AI assistants, but some IT leaders haven’t seen the employee productivity gains they expected. Many apps and platforms have promised productivity gains, and some have delivered, but a new productivity paradox — in which employee productivity doesn’t match the rapid advancement of IT services available — is threatening to become a new norm.

ROI 120
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Modernizing Financial Workflows: Why Finance Teams Need to Evolve


Today’s modern finance teams are facing a pivotal moment. As businesses increasingly rely on real-time insights and advanced analytics, finance professionals must modernize their workflows to keep up. The days of juggling disparate spreadsheets, manual processes, and siloed data are over. Now, teams need to manage complex cloud-based data, create predictive models that are reliable and transparent, and incorporate cutting-edge technologies like Generative AI — all while ensuring everything is au

Finance 52
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Data Modeling for Direct Mail: Boosting Multi-Channel Reach and Response

Speaker: Jesse Simms, VP at Giant Partners

This new, thought-provoking webinar will explore how even incremental efforts and investments in your data can have a tremendous impact on your direct mail and multi-channel marketing campaign results! Industry expert Jesse Simms, VP at Giant Partners, will share real-life case studies and best practices from client direct mail and digital campaigns where data modeling strategies pinpointed audience members, increasing their propensity to respond – and buy.

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Digital portfolio spells trouble for new European Commission

CIO Business Intelligence

Just as European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen was preparing to present her new team , there is trouble over the line-up for Commission posts: The European Union’s current Commissioner for the Internal Market and Services, Thierry Breton, has unexpectedly submitted his resignation. In his resignation letter, which the Frenchman posted on X, Breton justified his move by saying that von der Leyen had asked the French government a few days ago to remove his name from the list of candida

Marketing 116
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How to Add Checkboxes to Microsoft Excel **New Feature!**

Depict Data Studio

Did you know… that Excel now has checkboxes?!? In this video, you’ll learn: how to add checkboxes to your spreadsheet, how much better they look than the “old” way of doing it, and what types of details we can edit (like the checkbox size and color). [link] What’s Inside 0:00 Welcome 0:21 Dataviz On The Go 0:32 How to Add Checkboxes to Microsoft Excel 0:59 The Old Way: Adding Icons (Image Files) One by One, Not Clickable, Yuck 1:36 Another Old Way: Webdings g’

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Amazon to cut down on managers to strengthen culture

CIO Business Intelligence

Three years after replacing Jeff Bezos, Amazon CEO Andy Jassy is still busy refining the organizational structure and processes at the online giant. In a memo to Amazon’s workforce , Jassy has announced, among other things, an end to hybrid work and a commitment to further squeeze out bureaucracy by flattening the organizational hierarchy. Jassy aims to streamline Amazon bureaucracy by increasing the ratio of employees to managers by at least 15% by the end of the first quarter of 2025 — which i

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Need a security road map? Ditch the ad hoc measurement

CIO Business Intelligence

CISOs can only know the performance and maturity of their security program by actively measuring it themselves; after all, to measure is to know. With proactive measurement, CISOs will confirm how well their security program performs, better understand its preparedness against relevant threats, and highlight gaps that require improvement. However, CISOs aren’t typically measuring their security program proactively or methodically to understand their current security program.

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How To Speak The Language Of Financial Success In Product Management

Speaker: Jamie Bernard

Success in product management goes beyond delivering great features - it’s about achieving measurable financial outcomes that resonate across the organization. By connecting your product’s journey with the company’s financial success, you’ll ensure that every feature, release, and innovation contributes to the bottom line, driving both customer satisfaction and business growth.

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Proyecto Agorá: el BIS incorpora a BBVA, CaixaBank y Santander para explorar nuevas formas de pago internacionales

CIO Business Intelligence

Tres gigantes de la banca española se suman, de ahora en adelante, al Proyecto Agorá impulsado de manera conjunta por el Banco de Pagos Internacionales (BIS, por sus siglas en inglés) y el Instituto de Finanzas Internacionales (IIF). En concreto, BBVA, CaixaBank y Banco Santander se sumarán a otras compañías del sector privado internacional para valorar cómo la aplicación de tokens -unidad de representación digital de cualquier activo en una plataforma programable- puede reforzar los pagos trans

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Las empresas que usan la IA son 4,5 veces más propensas a obtener beneficios de la sostenibilidad

CIO Business Intelligence

Sea por presión regulatoria, sea por reputación o sea por los valores arraigados en el corazón del negocio, las organizaciones están cada vez más preocupadas por el impacto que sus procesos tienen sobre el medioambiente. Sin embargo, el análisis de una ingente cantidad de información y datos, sobre todo en las grandes empresas y multinacionales, hace que la medición de sus parámetros se complejice.

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Innovating Patient Care: Rafael Sousa’s Story at Hospital Nipo-Brasileiro

CIO Business Intelligence

In the heart of Brazil, Hospital Nipo-Brasileiro stands as a beacon of excellence in patient care. The hospital’s mission is to provide top-notch, value-based care that prioritizes patient outcomes. Leading this mission is Chief Technology Officer, Rafael Sousa, whose dedication to leveraging innovative technology has earned him widespread recognition and respect in the healthcare community.

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Will Workday’s new AI agents set it apart from competitors?

CIO Business Intelligence

Workday has joined the ranks of tech vendors scrambling to roll out their own agentic artificial intelligence (AI) with its announcement Tuesday of a new AI platform and several specialized AI agents. At its Workday Rising event, the cloud-based HR and financial management company unveiled Illuminate, its next-generation AI platform, as well as four new AI agents and a Workday Assistant for HR and financial processes.

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Provide Real Value in Your Applications with Data and Analytics

The complexity of financial data, the need for real-time insight, and the demand for user-friendly visualizations can seem daunting when it comes to analytics - but there is an easier way. With Logi Symphony, we aim to turn these challenges into opportunities. Our platform empowers you to seamlessly integrate advanced data analytics, generative AI, data visualization, and pixel-perfect reporting into your applications, transforming raw data into actionable insights.

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Certinia showcases Customer Success Cloud at Dreamforce

CIO Business Intelligence

Professional services automation firm Certinia (formerly FinancialForce) is spreading its wings with the recent introduction of Customer Success Cloud (CS Cloud), which it is showcasing at this week’s Salesforce Dreamforce 2024 conference in San Francisco. Natively built on the Salesforce platform, CS Cloud uses the same underlying database as Certinia’s marquee product, Professional Services Cloud (PS Cloud), but with a view to the needs of the customer success manager rather than a manager of

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AI meets and beats enterprise networking challenges

CIO Business Intelligence

Change is a constant source of stress on enterprise networks, whether as a result of network expansion, the ever-increasing pace of new technology, internal business shifts, or external forces beyond an enterprise’s control. When change occurs, organizations might not have the capabilities or resources in place to maintain performance across their networks, infrastructure, and applications.

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Errores que dificultan la contratación de personal informático

CIO Business Intelligence

La contratación de personal TI es difícil. Para empezar, el desempleo relativamente bajo en el sector implica más competencia entre las empresas en general que buscan contratar. Además, las tasas de desempleo de los trabajadores de TI suelen ser aún más bajas. Sin embargo, los directores de Sistemas de Información y sus equipos de contratación suelen utilizar tácticas que dificultan aún más una tarea tan compleja.

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Cuando las nuevas aplicaciones reducen la productividad de los trabajadores

CIO Business Intelligence

Los últimos años han traído cientos de nuevas aplicaciones , como videoconferencias modernas, rastreadores de tareas y asistentes de inteligencia artificial (IA), pero algunos líderes de TI no han visto los aumentos de productividad de los empleados que esperaban. Muchas aplicaciones y plataformas han prometido aumentos de productividad, y algunas los han cumplido, pero una nueva paradoja de productividad -en la que la productividad de los empleados no se corresponde con el rápido avance de los

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The AI Superhero Approach to Product Management

Speaker: Conrado Morlan

In this engaging and witty talk, industry expert Conrado Morlan will explore how artificial intelligence can transform the daily tasks of product managers into streamlined, efficient processes. Using the lens of a superhero narrative, he’ll uncover how AI can be the ultimate sidekick, aiding in data management and reporting, enhancing productivity, and boosting innovation.

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New Data Cloud features to boost Salesforce’s AI agents

CIO Business Intelligence

Salesforce added new features to its Data Cloud to help enterprises analyze data from across their divisions and also boost the company’s new autonomous AI agents released under the name Agentforce, the company announced at the ongoing annual Dreamforce conference. The CRM software provider terms the Data Cloud as a customer data platform, which is essentially its cloud-based software to help enterprises combine data from multiple sources and provide actionable intelligence across functions, suc