Wed.Sep 18, 2024

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Data Quality Power Moves: Scorecards & Data Checks for Organizational Impact


A DataOps Approach to Data Quality The Growing Complexity of Data Quality Data quality issues are widespread, affecting organizations across industries, from manufacturing to healthcare and financial services. According to DataKitchen’s 2024 market research, conducted with over three dozen data quality leaders, the complexity of data quality problems stems from the diverse nature of data sources, the increasing scale of data, and the fragmented nature of data systems.

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Building a Conversational AI SQL Assistant with LangChain, GROQ, and Streamlit

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction Have you ever wished you could simply chat with your database, asking questions in plain language and getting instant, relevant answers? Imagine the possibilities – no more complex SQL queries or digging through spreadsheets. Well, with the power of LangChain and its new SQL toolkit, that’s exactly what you can do! Diving into the […] The post Building a Conversational AI SQL Assistant with LangChain, GROQ, and Streamlit appeared first on Analytics Vidhya.

Analytics 197

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Do boards understand their new role in cybersecurity?

CIO Business Intelligence

Julie Ragland was CIO of vehicle manufacturing company Navistar, and has held IT leadership roles at Adient and Johnson Controls. To Ragland, who also sits on several state agency and non-profit boards, one of the greatest responsibilities for today’s boards is in governing cyber security risk. And while board members are generally tuned in to the importance of cyber governance, they don’t always understand the true risks with cyber and their own governing role.

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What is Denormalization in Databases?

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction Imagine running a busy café where every second counts. Instead of constantly checking separate inventory and order lists, you consolidate all key details onto one easy-to-read board. This is similar to denormalization in databases: by intentionally introducing redundancy and simplifying data storage, it speeds up data retrieval and makes complex queries faster and more […] The post What is Denormalization in Databases?

Analytics 246
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Launching LLM-Based Products: From Concept to Cash in 90 Days

Speaker: Christophe Louvion, Chief Product & Technology Officer of NRC Health and Tony Karrer, CTO at Aggregage

Christophe Louvion, Chief Product & Technology Officer of NRC Health, is here to take us through how he guided his company's recent experience of getting from concept to launch and sales of products within 90 days. In this exclusive webinar, Christophe will cover key aspects of his journey, including: LLM Development & Quick Wins 🤖 Understand how LLMs differ from traditional software, identifying opportunities for rapid development and deployment.

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Human vs. humane: How companies pursue AI for enhanced CX

CIO Business Intelligence

We’ve all been there. Your laptop breaks down, you miss a flight, or you need to call an insurance company. You hope for a quick conversation to resolve the matter but instead, you’re greeted by a disembodied voice delivering scripted questions and answers with no empathy, passing you through one list of choices after another, leaving you even more frustrated than when you started.

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What is the Chinchilla Scaling Law?

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction Large Language Models (LLMs) contributed to the progress of Natural Language Processing (NLP), but they also raised some important questions about computational efficiency. These models have become too large, so the training and inference cost is no longer within reasonable limits. To address this, the Chinchilla Scaling Law, introduced by Hoffmann et al. in […] The post What is the Chinchilla Scaling Law?

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Building Multi-Modal Models for Content Moderation on Social Media

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction Imagine you’re scrolling through your favorite social media platform when, out of nowhere, an offensive post pops up. Before you can even hit the report button, it’s gone. That’s content moderation in action. Behind the scenes, platforms rely on sophisticated algorithms to keep harmful content at bay, and the rapid growth of artificial intelligence […] The post Building Multi-Modal Models for Content Moderation on Social Media appeared first on Analytics Vidh

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Luz verde a la digitalización de la Tarjeta Sanitaria Individual

CIO Business Intelligence

El Consejo de Ministros ha dado luz verde a la modificación del Real Decreto 183/2004, que regula la Tarjeta Sanitaria Individual (TSI) del Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS). El objetivo, apuntan desde el Ejecutivo, no es otro que adaptar la normativa a los avances tecnológicos, estableciendo la emisión de la TSI en un formato virtual para todas las comunidades autónomas , además del soporte físico que se viene utilizando tradicionalmente.

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How to Monitor Production-grade Agentic RAG Pipelines?

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction In 2022, the launch of ChatGPT revolutionized both tech and non-tech industries, empowering individuals and organizations with generative AI. Throughout 2023, efforts concentrated on leveraging large language models (LLMs) to manage vast data and automate processes, leading to the development of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG). Now, let’s say you’re managing a sophisticated AI pipeline expected […] The post How to Monitor Production-grade Agentic RAG Pipelines?

Modeling 162
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Es hora de que los CIO piensen en la criptografía postcuántica

CIO Business Intelligence

Ante la amenaza de que los ordenadores cuánticos rompan los actuales métodos de cifrado, la adopción de la criptografía poscuántica es ahora una prioridad crítica , sobre todo para los sectores que manejan datos confidenciales, según revela un informe reciente. El estado actual y futuro de la cuántica es una de las seis tendencias que recoge el informe Tendencias Tecnológicas 2025 de Info-Tech Research Group, basado en las respuestas de unos 1.000 responsables de la toma de decisiones informátic

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Data Modeling for Direct Mail: Boosting Multi-Channel Reach and Response

Speaker: Jesse Simms, VP at Giant Partners

This new, thought-provoking webinar will explore how even incremental efforts and investments in your data can have a tremendous impact on your direct mail and multi-channel marketing campaign results! Industry expert Jesse Simms, VP at Giant Partners, will share real-life case studies and best practices from client direct mail and digital campaigns where data modeling strategies pinpointed audience members, increasing their propensity to respond – and buy.

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10 Generative AI Coding Extensions in VS Code You Must Explore

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction Hey there, Coding ninja! What coding-related tasks do you have planned for the day? Before you dive further into this blog, I want you to think about all your coding-related woes—better list those down. Done? – Let’s get started Now! Imagine being a software developer in the 2000s. The entire coding process required many […] The post 10 Generative AI Coding Extensions in VS Code You Must Explore appeared first on Analytics Vidhya.

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Oracle CloudWorld 2024: 10 key takeaways from the big annual event

CIO Business Intelligence

As competition heats up among cloud service providers, especially on the generative AI front, Oracle is focusing its energies on providing IT infrastructure that can help developers and enterprises take advantage of generative AI in their operations. Shifting gears from his standpoint last year, Oracle Chairman and CTO Larry Ellison took to the stage last week to unveil the company’s strategies and products around multicloud, distributed cloud, AI, application development, and security.

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How Agentic RAG Systems with CrewAI and LangChain Transform Tech?

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction Artificial Intelligence has entered a new era. Gone are the days when models would simply output information based on predefined rules. The cutting-edge approach in AI today revolves around RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) systems, and more specifically, the use of agents to intelligently retrieve, analyze, and verify information. This is the future of intelligent data […] The post How Agentic RAG Systems with CrewAI and LangChain Transform Tech?

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“No hay decisión comercial en SAS que no aproveche nuestra propia tecnología”

CIO Business Intelligence

Cinco años al pie del cañón en la industria tecnológica, dado el acelerado ritmo de desarrollo y evolución, son un mundo. Jay Upchurch, vicepresidente ejecutivo y Chief Technology Officer (CIO, por sus siglas en inglés) de SAS desde el pasado 2019, es gran conocedor de ello. “En el último lustro han cambiado muchas cuestiones. Cuando yo entré en el cargo -reflexiona- había ciertas cosas que estaban sucediendo y con las que tuve que lidiar; hoy en día puedo decir que de alguna manera han formado

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How To Speak The Language Of Financial Success In Product Management

Speaker: Jamie Bernard

Success in product management goes beyond delivering great features - it’s about achieving measurable financial outcomes that resonate across the organization. By connecting your product’s journey with the company’s financial success, you’ll ensure that every feature, release, and innovation contributes to the bottom line, driving both customer satisfaction and business growth.

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How to Create Your Personalized News Digest Using AI Agents?

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction The capabilities of large language models (LLMs) are advancing rapidly. They enable us to build a variety of LLM applications. These range from task automation to workflow optimization. One exciting application is using LLMs to create an intelligent news digest or newsletter agent. This agent can pull in relevant content, summarize it, and deliver […] The post How to Create Your Personalized News Digest Using AI Agents?

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Deep Learning Approaches in Medical Image Segmentation


Medical imaging has been revolutionized by the adoption of deep learning techniques. The use of this branch of machine learning has ushered in a new era of precision and efficiency in medical image segmentation, a central analytical process in modern healthcare diagnostics and treatment planning. By harnessing neural networks, deep learning algorithms are able.

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Automate Data Insights with InsightMate Using Gemini & LangSmith

Analytics Vidhya

Introduction Handling huge datasets can be pretty overwhelming in today’s data-heavy world. That’s where InsightMate comes in. It’s designed to make exploring your data a breeze. Just upload your dataset, and you’ll get instant insights, visualizations, and answers to your questions. What’s cool about InsightMate is how it mixes automation with flexibility.

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Free Courses That Are Actually Free: Cybersecurity Edition


Heaps and heaps of new technology are entering the market, and these new tools and software are making our lives easier. However, although our day-to-day tasks have become easier, there has been an increase in the number of cyber threats. There is a need for the right people to come in and identify and mitigate.

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Provide Real Value in Your Applications with Data and Analytics

The complexity of financial data, the need for real-time insight, and the demand for user-friendly visualizations can seem daunting when it comes to analytics - but there is an easier way. With Logi Symphony, we aim to turn these challenges into opportunities. Our platform empowers you to seamlessly integrate advanced data analytics, generative AI, data visualization, and pixel-perfect reporting into your applications, transforming raw data into actionable insights.

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Cloudera Evaluates Integrated Data and AI Exchange Business Line to Optimize Data-Driven Generative AI Use Cases


According to recent survey data from Cloudera, 88% of companies are already utilizing AI for the tasks of enhancing efficiency in IT processes, improving customer support with chatbots, and leveraging analytics for better decision-making. More and more enterprises are leveraging pre-trained models for various applications, from natural language processing to computer vision.

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Al 58% de los CIO españoles les preocupa el impacto de la Ley de Atención al Cliente

CIO Business Intelligence

El 58% de los CIO españoles están preocupados por cómo afectará la nueva Ley de Atención al Cliente a sus empresas. Así se desprende de un reciente estudio firmado por Twilio. El informe, basado en una encuesta realizada en España a un centenar de CIO y 101 directores de Atención al Cliente, revela una importante brecha en la preparación de las empresas españolas para cumplir con la nueva normativ a.

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CSRD: An Opportunity Buried in Data?


The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) brought sustainability to business headlines when it was ratified by the European Union in November 2022 and gradually adopted by member countries in 2023. Another wave of headlines followed as Chief Sustainability Officers (CSOs) called out the major reporting strain that it represents. By setting the bar very high and deadlines very short, the CSRD highlights that existing reporting capabilities are inadequate to meet regulators’ expectat

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Cuatro pasos para avanzar de productos a resultados: cómo ser un ‘impact driver’

CIO Business Intelligence

Muchas organizaciones confunden el ajetreo con el progreso. Sin métricas claras para controlar y comunicar el impacto en el negocio, los equipos de proyecto se centran a menudo en completar tareas sin comprender plenamente cómo su trabajo contribuye a lograr unos objetivos empresariales más amplios. Un director de Sistemas de la Información de una empresa global -llamémosle David- se enfrentó exactamente a este problema.

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Entity Resolution: Your Guide to Deciding Whether to Build It or Buy It

Adding high-quality entity resolution capabilities to enterprise applications, services, data fabrics or data pipelines can be daunting and expensive. Organizations often invest millions of dollars and years of effort to achieve subpar results. This guide will walk you through the requirements and challenges of implementing entity resolution. By the end, you'll understand what to look for, the most common mistakes and pitfalls to avoid, and your options.

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How to Build a Robust Data Architecture for Scalable Business Growth


In the digital age, businesses rely on high-quality, easily accessible data to guide all manner of decisions and encourage growth. However, as a business grows, the way the organization interacts with its data can change, making processes less efficient and impairing progress toward business goals.

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El 30% de las empresas automatizarán más de la mitad de sus actividades de red para 2026

CIO Business Intelligence

La automatización gana protagonismo gracias al impulso del valor empresarial, la eficiencia y la agilidad para las organizaciones. De hecho, con vistas al 2026, la firma de análisis e investigación Gartner estima que el 30% de las empresas automatizarán más de la mitad de sus actividades de red. Una cifra que arroja un incremento del 10% al compararla con los datos de mediados del 2023.

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Data Crime: Your Phone Isn’t Here


I call it a “data crime” when someone is abusing or misusing data. When we understand these stories and their implications, it can help us learn from the mistakes and prevent future data crimes. The stories can also be helpful if you must explain the importance of data management to someone.

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Le principali tecnologie che sconvolgeranno il mondo del business nel 2025

CIO Business Intelligence

A volte le tecnologie più promettenti sono proprio davanti ai nostri occhi: basta riconoscere il valore aziendale insito nel loro utilizzo. Per avere un’idea delle più promettenti che le aziende incontreranno nel corso dei prossimi mesi, abbiamo intervistato una serie di leader IT chiedendo loro quali pensano che siano i sistemi che potranno aiutare le imprese a innovare, a servire meglio i loro clienti e a trasformare il modo in cui conducono il loro business.

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Generative AI Deep Dive: Advancing from Proof of Concept to Production

Speaker: Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks & Tony Karrer, CTO at Aggregage

Executive leaders and board members are pushing their teams to adopt Generative AI to gain a competitive edge, save money, and otherwise take advantage of the promise of this new era of artificial intelligence. There's no question that it is challenging to figure out where to focus and how to advance when it’s a new field that is evolving everyday. 💡 This new webinar featuring Maher Hanafi, VP of Engineering at Betterworks, will explore a practical framework to transform Generative AI pr

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Legal Issues for Data Professionals: Current Leading U.S. AI Laws


There is no nationwide federal law in the U.S. that specifically regulates the development, deployment, and use of AI in the private sector. (This contrasts with AI use in U.S. federal agencies, as discussed below.) This absence of such a federal law contrasts with the recently enacted AU AI law. Instead, in the U.S.

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INE Security Wins 2024 SC Excellence Award

CIO Business Intelligence

INE Security is proud to announce that it has been named a winner in the prestigious 2024 SC Awards, named Best IT Security-Related Training Program. This designation underscores INE Security’s commitment to excellence and leadership in the cybersecurity industry. The SC Awards , now in its 27th year, recognize the solutions, organizations, and individuals that have demonstrated outstanding achievement in advancing the security of information systems.

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Through the Looking Glass: More Metaphors and LLMs


Part I When I finished my last article, “Metaphors, Meadows, MUNCH, and Models of the Large Language Kind,” I stated my intention to follow up with Part II. I would cover whether a knowledge graph’s vocabulary of “triples” relates to metaphoric thinking.

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Pursue a Master’s in Data Science with the 4th Best Online Program


Sponsored Content “Completing the program has provided me with proficiency in essential data science methodologies and programming languages, including R, Python, SQL, and Tableau. Additionally, the program's flexibility allowed me to select project subjects aligned with my interests, fostering hands-on learning experiences. Through these projects, I gained practical experience applying a diverse.

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Scan to Success: How to Leverage QR Codes for Offline and Online Marketing Power

Speaker: Corey Daugherty, Head of Business Development at Flowcode & Georgette Malitsis, Senior Customer Success Manager, Enterprise at Flowcode

Let's explore the transformative power of QR codes in bridging offline and online marketing worlds. 📲 This new webinar featuring Corey Daugherty and Georgette Malitsis of Flowcode will dive into how innovative QR technology not only enhances traditional marketing strategies, but also drives meaningful customer engagement and analytics. Register today to gain practical knowledge on using QR codes to increase conversion rates, optimize customer journeys, and ultimately unlock a new realm o