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Experiment design and modeling for long-term studies in ads

The Unofficial Google Data Science Blog

by HENNING HOHNHOLD, DEIRDRE O'BRIEN, and DIANE TANG In this post we discuss the challenges in measuring and modeling the long-term effect of ads on user behavior. We describe experiment designs which have proven effective for us and discuss the subtleties of trying to generalize the results via modeling.

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Using Empirical Bayes to approximate posteriors for large "black box" estimators

The Unofficial Google Data Science Blog

But most common machine learning methods don’t give posteriors, and many don’t have explicit probability models. More precisely, our model is that $theta$ is drawn from a prior that depends on $t$, then $y$ comes from some known parametric family $f_theta$. Here, our items are query-ad pairs. Calculate posterior quantities of interest.

KDD 40